some titles and topics to follow up on... [orig. posted 2005.03.29 at 04:28 AM]
i'm thinking about methods of representation and ways of communicating information... sort of along the lines of architectural drawings, but also instruction manuals, 'how-to' guides, instructional diagrams... that kind of thing. with that in mind, i've been looking at a few things and asking a few people for sources. here are some of those things for future research, reading, and perusing...
Chris Ware [cartoons and diagrams of cut-out, fold and assemble 'things']
Architectural Synaesthesia by Marco Frascari [a 'good intro to thinking about how we draw']
Architectural Representation and the Perspective Hinge by Alberto Perez-Gomez [studio reading list last year...]
“The Space of Architecture: Meaning as Presence and Representation.” from Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture. Architecture and Urbanism. Stephen Holl, Juhani Pallasmaa Alberto Pérez-Gómez. July 1994, Special issue. by Alberto Perez-Gomez
Make Magazine published by O'Reilly [exciting new 'mook' about making things]
ReadyMade Magazine [oddly enough, i have never read this mag, but it sounds like i should look into it...]
How to Make a Contact Mic [a site i learned something from recently... might as well give credit]
Digital Ground by Malcolm McCullough [not necessarily related, but sounds good and relevant to my current interests...]